Visit Locally-Owned Anderson’s Pharmacy in Lethbridge
Stop by Anderson’s Pharmacy today to see what healthcare services and products we offer. You can find us located inside the Chinook Cardiology Clinic at 1609 9 Avenue South in Lethbridge. We’re a local pharmacy, providing a personalized touch and a friendly face every time you visit.
City-Wide Deliveries Available
Can’t make it to Anderson’s Pharmacy to pick up your prescription? Don’t worry we offer city-wide deliveries. Call for more details.
Contact Information
1609 9 Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB, T1J 1W2
Call 403-328-3822
Fax 403-327-3012
Business Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Send Us an Email
Have a question about your prescription? Need more information about what healthcare products we carry? Send us an email. You can use our handy contact form to get in touch. We will respond as soon as possible.
Methods of Payment